Firstly I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been reading the blog, it has been a barren couple of months for hobby content due to work commitments. The work project I am currently on is set for completion end of July and I am intending to get a big update on the Minotaurs project once I get back. The armouries of the Minotaurs have certainly swelled over the months and more additions are set for the the end of the month!
For those of you who have not heard yet, Forge World are releasing the beautiful Contemptor pattern Dreadnought, based on Pre-heresy design. For those of you who remember it; the plastic space marine dreadnought from the "Epic Space Marine" box set is basically what this kit is. The sculpt is so vastly different to the existing dreadnought figures, that old and new Space Marine players alike will enjoy this model kit immensely.
This beast of resin stands far taller than a regular Space Marine dreadnought and will make a stunning centrepiece to any Space Marine army with should be a joy to paint. The kit is set for release on the 25th July with an optional Lascannon arm set, for more details and access to the experimental rules, visit the Forge World website.
So lots of Minotaur goodness to work on during the summer, I look forward to sharing the progress once I get back to the hobby den. Until then, many thanks to everyone who continue to visit, read and post comments on the 14th legion.
The 14th Legion