Kingdom Death: Preacher Pin-Up, 54mm Twilight Knight & White Speaker re-release

Oh dear or dear. It seems that while I was out on a job this weekend, Kingdom Death had some releases and I missed it! Chief among the releases was a limited (40) re-run of the White Speaker which came with the new packaging and artwork, really a shame I missed that (I have the Box of Death version). They also released a 54mm version of the Twilight Knight Pin-up, KD games signature pin-up girl herself which comes with a new, gorgeous piece of artwork, luckily I did manage to get an order in for that one. Last of all we finally see the release of the Preacher pin-up figure. 

I have had my Preacher sitting in the box since last year (picked it up at Salute 2010), and haven't touched it since as there was no art/colour guide at the time. Now that KD games have released the figure I finally have a reference. While I am a little annoyed that there was no artwork with release, I am happy that I have something to work with in the future. This month has been so Warhammer heavy that I am really looking forward to focusing my attention to a single figure, the Preacher figure fits the bill nicely.

Now all I need to do, is decide which head to use...hmm magnets are your friend?

Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion

Check out Kingdom Death!