Site News: Next week's plans

The last two weeks have been hectic as I had two projects come up back to back. I should have been at the studio today but our I decided to pull an all nighter yesterday so I could come home (back tomorrow though!). As a result, commissions and personal figure projects haven on a slow burn this week. Right now next week is looking clear and I am using the time to prepare my Blindwater and Khador armies.

The reason I am preparing both armies is that I have the intention of returning to my old gaming club The South London Warlords next week. Now that I am settled in terms of my new neighbourhood and career, it is time to start throwing (more) dice. The last few months have been limited to about one game of anything a month so to get a game a week will be great! It's going to be a great opportunity to see old friends, make new friends and maybe discover some new games.

The two armies I will be running will be: my Bloody Barnarbas list from Here, and a new(ish) Butcher of Khardov list. I am still debating as to which version of Butcher I want to run, but for definite I will be using Destroyers and Man O War (I have a strange combo in mind). I will be sharing details of the lists as early next week, as the idea of using Destroyers in Warmachine MKII may seem a little weird to readers out there. 

Rest assured I have a plan! 

Thanks for reading,
The 14th Legion